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Simeon ten Holt by Colette Noël
  • © 2003-2025 Simeon ten Holt Foundation 0


Canto Ostinato & Boxes ( click on the cd image)
94918_TenHolt_cov_Layout 1Incantatie IV
94990_sqCanto Ostinato, >4 hours!

94539X Canto Ostinato in one box!

PP 2047 frontCanto Ostinato for synthesizers, 2 CD set

Canto Ostinato on four pianos > 20.000 sold!
Canto Ostinato on two pianos
Canto Ostinato, Solodevildance I, II, III, IV, Aedem Sed Aliter, Aforisme II, one piano
Canto Ostinato on three pianos and organ
Canto Ostinato for two pianos and two marimbas
Canto Ostinato on four marimbas
Canto Ostinato for organ
Canto Ostinato, Lemniscaat, Horizon, Incantaitie IV, Meandres, all on for four pianos
Natalon in E for piano
Neither Shadow nor Prey on two pianos
Palimpsest for strings
Minimal Piano Collection, including Solo Devildance IV
Minimal Piano Collection including Canto Ostinato for two pianos
Simeon ten Holt Highlights, 11 CD